Although the first commercial Bumper Cars were revealed by the Dodgem Corp. in Lawrence, Massachusetts over 100 years ago, they remain an incredibly popular attraction at amusement parks and fairgrounds.
The classic bumper cars are powered by electricity supplied via a whip connector to an electricity supply that runs across the ceiling of the ride. This version of the classic bumper car experience remains one of the most popular, both with the amusement park and fairground owners – and with visitors to the park or ground.
The attractiveness of the ceiling-powered bumper car ride to venue management and investors is based on a variety of factors. The first is the visual and audio impact of the ride – and the second is the nostalgia factor.

Family groups visiting an amusement park or fairground simply expect to see classic rides among other more technologically advanced offerings. Parents delight in introducing their children to rides such as carousels, bumper car attractions, and Ferris Wheels due to the fact that these rides represent a simpler time when the younger members of the family did not turn to high-definition screens and the Internet for entertainment. A ceiling-powered bumper car is an evergreen attraction – and one that parents and caregivers love to introduce to a younger generation.
These sorts of rides enhance the family day out and provide children with the opportunity to have a fun day out with family and interact with children of their own age. Opportunities that may have been missed month upon month due to the widespread COVID-19 lockdown regulations.
Adding to the attractiveness of the bumper car attraction is the fact it can be sourced from reputable designers and manufacturers, such as Dinis, who will make a variety of lighting and sound solutions available to the investor – and it is these lights and the sound that further enhance the attractiveness and attention-grabbing nature of the skynet electric bumper cars.

Both children and adults are drawn to bumper car rides due to the fact that these rides offer thrills, while still focusing on safety and fun. Aside from a vigorous bump, these rides are safe – and they also provide the younger members of the family with an ideal opportunity to bond with parents when they share a ride in one of the common two-seater adult-size bumper car models.
The attractiveness of electric ceiling-powered bumper car rides to investors is a result of the extreme popularity of bumper car rides. The length of the ride means that lines move swiftly and patrons will line up again and again to enjoy their bumper car experience. However, the attractiveness of these rides also means that they can add significantly to the bottom line of the park or fairground. This is not only because they attract more visitors, but also because, as a popular focal point they offer opportunities for the positioning of concession stands. Although lines move quickly a concession stand selling snacks and soft drinks will see its sales rise if it is situated close to a bumper car ride.

When everything is taken into account it is clear just why ceiling-powered bumper car rides are so popular with both visitors to a fairground or amusement park and investors.
A family day out to a funfair or amusement park would simply not be the same without these timeless attractions.